This website ( is a technology focused personal blog site. However, if you like my content and are interested to advertise your product or services on my site, you are more than welcome to contact with me.
Currently, I am offering very few ad slots on my site as I am pretty choosy in terms of what exactly is being shown on my site. I have the following ad slots available for advertising.
Ad Spaces
- Slot 1: 125×115 pixels on All Post Pages – $300(USD)/Monthly*.
- Slot 2: 300x250 pixels on Sidebar + All Post Page - $700(USD)/Monthly*.
- Slot 3: 728×90 pixel on All Post Page (Top Banner) – $1000(USD)/Monthly*.
Terms & Conditions
1. I do not promote any items, product or services that violates any Federal or State (New York) laws of the United States. 2. Payment must be paid in advance. 3. Currently I am accepting PayPal payment only. 4. I can not issue any refund on digital Product & Services. 5. I will promote your Product or Services, once transaction is confirmed by PayPal. 6. You will receive notification email before we activate your campaign. 7. Your advertisement (image) must be on JPEG or GIF format only. 8. Have your advertisement(image) handy, before you make any Payment. 9. Your advertisement (image) must be hosted on my server. 10. You may not be able to change the URL or the graphics (image) of your ad prior finishing your current cycle. 11. I have the right to change any terms & conditions mentioned on this page without any prior notification. So, visit this page often to keep yourself updated.Please read the terms & conditions carefully. You are more than welcome to e-mail me with your question or queries from the Contact page. I am looking forward to hear form you and promote your product or services.