Congratulations Bangladesh Cricket Team

I am not bragging about it but there are barely any good news coming from my native Bangladesh lately. Recent terrorist attacks, accidents at the garment factory, loss of innocent lives and news of this sort upsets me all the time just like anyone else. The whole world knows Bangladesh to be a natural disaster prone country and that's not a myth. Hurricane, typhoon, flood are the yearly occurrences in Bangladesh and I think Bangladeshi people somewhat got used to with all those. Things are so bad that any good news at a national level seems almost unheard of.

So whenever I get to know any kind of good news from Bangladesh, it bring smile on my face. Perhaps the only thing that brings joy among the Bangladeshis every now and then is the success stories in Sport. Cricket to be more precise. The sport that almost all South Asian loves so much. Bangladeshi Cricket team recently sealed their 6th Consecutive ODI (One Day International) Series victory. Perhaps this is more important because with win of their 3rd match of recent series, Bangladeshi Cricket touched a new milestone of winning their 100th ODI match. Big congratulations and shout out goes to Bangladeshi Cricket Team and everyone behind them.

Bangladeshi Cricket ODI Series Victory
Bangladeshi Cricket Celebrates their 6th Consecutive ODI Series.

Now, this series was particularly important for Afghanistan as well in many different ways. They are most probably the youngest International Cricket team and through such series they will surely get to learn a lot more. A war-torn nation focusing on sports is something pretty radical yet a very positive sign by any standard. I hope they will stay focused and hopefully they will develop their skills gradually. I wish them all the best and good luck with upcoming series and matches.


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