It's been couple of weeks since I got really really busy with my work. Some are personal and some are official. Sitting in front of a computer, keeping up with all the updates from here and updates from there may sound quite easy but it's actually not. I won't be bragging about it if I say it's much harder than maintaining multiple files on top of your desk.
I would get emails from so many different sources that sometimes I would just start deleting them without even reading the mail content. I will skim through the email subject and that is good enough to simply trash it or read it. Most emails are actually spam and some are from sources that I really don't care. It would have been nicer simply to unsubscribe those mailing list then again that's few more clicks.
After my daily office hours, normally I would take a walk and go to Jackson Heights to grab some food or simply stay at home. It's cold out there and I tend not to walk unless it's important for me to go out. I can't afford to catch cold now. I got things to do and work on.
Lately, I am watching lots of videos on Los Angeles wildfire. Not that I enjoy watching them but trying to grasp the gravity of the situation there. Never been to California let alone LA, so I got no clue. On a personal level, I do not own any house, so I don't quite understand how possibly it might feel to loose your home. I see people crying on TV which makes me really really sad and tearful. Sometime I just feel like going there and helping people to re-build their homes. Not sure why watching other people crying affects me in a big way. I sincerely hope and pray that somehow they all will be back on their lives as they were even couple of days back.
Donald Trump will go back to the White House soon enough. Not sure how he will feel to come back to that building after four years. May be he would be nostalgic, smiling to see old stuff back again. How would you feel to get your stuff back knowing that someone else was using it for past few years? Ha ha ha! I don't know. It's just feels and sounds weird too me for some reason I can't explain.
Question we all should be asking is, what would change after January 20th? Is this world going to be a safer place or much more chaotic one that is already in chaos? Questions we tend not to ask but absolutely alright with bypassing it as if it's no big deal because there's no deal anyway.
I use a RSS Reader on my computer and subscribed to some of the websites that i really like. Everyday I get thousands of updates from various sites. I can't read or visit all those sites everyday. So, RSS Feed is the way to go. Keep up with all the updates.
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