Once again the weekend is here and I am back, working on this site and fixing things or two here and there. I woke up pretty late as I was working and enjoying some Indian Classical Music last night. This morning when I woke up, the first thing that came to my mind was the music that I was listening last night. I was hooked and I just could not get over with it.
Not the most healthiest choice but this morning I decided to have my breakfast at the Dunkin Donunts cafe clost to my home instead of preparing my breakfast like any other day. I grabbed my laptop as I was leaving home, I knew I will stay there for sometime.
I grabbed a small coffee and sesame seed bagel with egg and cheese. I sat at the very corner of the store nearby the big window. This is a very special place for me. It reminds me of my school years. I remember spending many hours seating here doing my home work or studying, preparing myself for exams. There were times when I didn't had internet connection at home, so coming over here to use their free internet was the next best option while enjoying their coffee.
I sat down and started listening to one of my favorite album (If: Magical Sounds of Sitar) by talented Indian Sitar player Niladri Kumar. See, I am not a musician nor do I have any association with the music industry. However, I do listen music on regular basis and I do have keen interest about it out of love and respect. Here is one track from the album that I was listening to and I hope you would enjoy it as well.
I am currently searching for this album in CD format. Even though I can easily purchase it from various marketplaces, I tend to prefer the physical CDs over digital downloads, specially if I really like the music. Having the physical CD in hand has it's own appeal, something I tend to enjoy a lot. Despite the fact that CD music and it's glorious days are almost over.
Enjoy the track and have a blessed weekend ahead. Peace.
Update: I eventually purchased this CD in late December 2022.
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