Cyclone Remal hits Bangladesh & India

As I am writing this post, some of my family members back in Bangladesh are bracing for the landfall of Cyclone Remal. Although my family members are located in the Capital of Bangladesh which is a bit far from the projected landfall area, I am still a bit worried about their safety. I spoke with my Mom couple of hours back and to my surprise she is not worried about it at all. I asked her how is everything over there now, all she said is it was windy and a bit chilly.

As far as Remal is concerned, it seems like it make the landfall in the border region of India and Bangladesh. A big chunk of the West Bengal state of India and southern-west part of Bangladesh will take the hit which are flood prone area. Pretty much every year during Monsoon season in that part of the world Hurricane or Cyclone are quite common. I think people who are living those areas are so familiar with such natural disaster that many of them don't quite take it seriously. Not to say they are not careful but it's more like they grew certain amount of resilience against such natural disaster.

Being born in Bangladesh, I have witnessed quite a few Cyclone in my life-time as well but I can barely remember anything. I was very young and I was not allowed to go outside to explore the aftermath. I mean my parents didn't want me to see the death and destruction of such natural disasters. Being a parent myself now, I can totally understand them.

I just sincerely pray and hope that every one remains safe while the countries are bracing for impact. Peace.


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