
Shaheed Noor Hossain Day

Today, November 10th 2017 marks the 30th anniversary of Noor Hossain Day. On this day back in 1987, ...

African Americans in Post WWII Era

As the WWII hits shore of the United States, many American joined the war effort. Like many wars in the past, African American community also enlisted their names with equal patriotism & enthusiasm in their mind. But in post WWII America, they rem ...

Main Causes Behind American Revolution

Number of historic events took place that caused the American Revolution. We can organize them under three distinct category for better understanding. These were, Various Acts, Taxation and the pamphlets of Common sense. The seven year war ...

Main Causes Behind French Revolution

There are various reasons behind the French Revolutions. Collectively we can categorize them into few important causes as follows: Social: French society was divided into three different estates. The clergy, nobility and t ...

The Main Ideas Behind Enlightenment

The intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th century is widely known as the age of enlightenment. In this era, a wide range of ideologies takes shape which can be defined by few greater ideas that flourished and fueled the Enlightenment per ...

Factors Behind the Victory of Vietnamese Forces

There are numerous factors behind the victory of Vietnam against the USA. Surprisingly the Vietnam War was lost by the US forces not because of the military might of Vietnamese forces. It is more of numerous actions and decisions made by the US at ...

Leaders from the Vietnam War Era

During Vietnam War we have witnesses several leaders from all the parties involved into the War. It would be quite impossible to focus on all the leaders of this period due to the limitations of this assignment. However, I will focus on few top le ...

State Building in North and South Vietnam

Geneva Agreement, divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel. As the French gets beaten up by Vietnamese in Indochina war, Soviet Union and China recognizes Viet Minh as the Legitimate Government of "Democratic Republic of Vietnam" which was based on Ha ...

The Bloody Birth of Bangladesh

In 1947, as the British ruler finally gets ready to leave the greater Indian sub-continent nearly after 200 years of its occupation, they left the country divided in two pieces. Thus two different independent country was born in the map of the wor ...

History: Why it is so Important?

Since my childhood, I pretty much hated reading history books. Getting average grades on history classes wasn't something new for me. I used to get bored reading them. So, I tried with my best to stay away from history related stuff as I tend to t ...